Review of the year -2009

Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India is responsible for development, conservation and management of water as a national resource; overall national perspective of water planning and coordination in relation to diverse uses of water; general policy, technical assistance, research and development, training and matters relating to irrigation and multi-purpose projects, ground water management; conjunctive use of surface and ground water, command area development, flood management including drainage, flood-proofing, water logging and sea erosion and dam safety.

The Ministry has also been allocated the subject of regulation and development of inter-state rivers, implementation of awards of Tribunals, water quality assessment, bilateral and external assistance and cooperation programmes in the field of water resources and matters relating to rivers common to India and neighboring countries.


Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP)

Under AIBP, the Centre is providing central assistance to the irrigation projects as an incentive to the States for creating irrigation infrastructure in the country.  The AIBP is also meeting the demands of the Bharat Nirman programme under which a major thrust is on irrigation.  The projects included in the PM’s Relief Package for agrarian distressed districts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Maharashtra are also receiving financial assistance under the programme.

The AIBP was conceived in the year 1996 in order to provide financial assistance to States to complete various ongoing irrigation projects in the country so that creation of envisaged irrigation potential of the project could be accelerated.  The terms of the programme have been widened and liberalized over time. As on date, major, medium and Extension, Renovation and Modernisation (ERM) projects are eligible for Central Assistance under AIBP.  The surface water minor irrigation schemes of Special Category States as well as schemes in drought prone and tribal area in Non-Special Category States are also eligible for Central Assistance under AIBP.

The State Governments have been provided an amount of Rs.37931.1732 crore as CLA/Grant under AIBP since inception of this programme till date for 272 major/medium irrigation projects and 10236 Surface minor irrigation schemes. After commencement of this Programme, 110 major/medium and 6640 Surface Minor Irrigation Schemes have so far been completed.  An additional irrigation potential of 5.486 million hectare has been created through major/medium irrigation projects and an irrigation potential of 0.454 million hectare has been created through Surface Minor Irrigation Schemes upto March, 2009.  Provision for Central Grant of Rs.4300 crore has been kept in the Union Budget for providing grants to the States under AIBP during 2008-09. The Government of India has provided additional allocation of Rs.2300 crore for AIBP under Stimulus package during the year 2008-09. Grant released under AIBP during 2008-09 was of Rs.7598.2213 crore. An additional amount of Rs.1633.811 crore was also released on 13.4.2009 for the release proposals of 2008-09. The grant released during 2008-09 also includes Rs.450 crore released to Gosikhurd Project of Maharashtra under AIBP for National Project.

As per the prevailing AIBP guidelines, projects benefiting drought prone/tribal area, projects included in the Prime Minister’s relief package for agrarian distress districts of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala and projects in the States having irrigation development below national average could be included in AIBP in relaxation of one to one criteria of inclusion of new project under AIBP. Of the 65 major/medium projects initially included in the Prime Minister’s relief package for agrarian distressed districts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerela and Maharashtra, so far 38 projects have been funded under AIBP. The grant released so far for these projects is Rs.4490.063 crore.

For the year 2009-10, projected grant requirement of AIBP is Rs.12285 crore for creation of an additional irrigation potential of 10.50 lakh ha. A Budget allocation of Rs.8000 crore has already been made by the Planning Commission for AIBP for 2009-10 which includes Rs.1800 crore for National Projects.

National Projects

The Union Cabinet gave its consent in February,2008 to the proposal of the Ministry of Water Resources on Implementation of National Projects with central assistance of 90% of the cost of the project as grant falling in the following selection criteria:

(i) International projects where usage of water in India is required by a treaty or where planning and early completion of the project is necessary in the interest of the country.
(ii) Inter-State projects which are dragging on due to non-resolution of inter-State issues relating to sharing of costs, rehabilitation, aspects of power production etc., including river interlinking projects.
(iii) Intra-state projects with additional potential of more than 2,00,000 ha. and with no dispute regarding sharing of water and where hydrology is established.

During 2009-10 an amount of Rs.750 crore has been released to Gosikhurd Project for funding under National Projects.

Command Area Development & Water Management Programme :

The programme was initiated in 1974-75 for stepping up pace of utilisation of irrigation potential created and improve agriculture productivity and production on a sustainable basis.  The programme was restructured and renamed as Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM) Programme w.e.f. 1-4-2004. Now, the scheme is being implemented as a State Sector Scheme during the XI Five Year Plan (2008-09 to 2011-12).


CADWM Programme for XI Plan

The important components of the CADWM programme during XI Plan are  as under:

Continuing Components:

i)                     Survey, planning and designing of OFD works;

ii)                   On Farm Development (OFD) works (comprising construction of field channels, realignment of field boundaries, land levelling and shaping, where necessary).

iii)                  Construction of field drains, intermediate and link drains.

iv)                  Correction of system deficiencies in system of capacity upto 4.25 cumec (150 cusec).

v)                    Reclamation of waterlogged areas.

vi)                  Software activities namely trainings, adaptive trials, demonstrations and monitoring & evaluation.

vii)                 One time functional grant to Water Users’ Associations; and

viii)               Establishment cost –  20%  of expenditure on items No. (ii), (iii), (iv), & (v).


From the inception of the programme in 1974-75 till March 2009  an area of about 18.677 Mha. (provisional) has been benefited through infrastructure development at micro level for supply of irrigation water to the farmers. Plan wise details of  central assistance released to the States are as under:

Rs (Crore)

1.  Up-to end of 9th Plan                                                     2432.395

2.  During 10th Plan                                                            818.539

3.  During 2007-08                                                             277.13

4.  During 2008-09                                                             324.291

5.  During 2009-10 (Incurred till date)                                   197.69

At present the programme is being implemented in 136 irrigation projects spread across all the 28 states of the country.

Reclamation of Water Logged Areas

Although development of irrigation has increased agriculture production, it has also caused adverse effect in the form of water logging and associated problem of soil salinity/alkalinity in many irrigation commands.  The problem of water logging can be mitigated to a large extent by efficient water management and by adopting suitable preventive measures. The M/o Water Resources introduced a component of Reclamation of Water logged Areas under the Centrally Sponsored Command Area Development Programme w.e.f. 1.4.1996.  So far 478 schemes of 9 states namely Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh have been approved for reclamation of 57,700 ha. water logged area.  Out of this, an area of 46668 ha. has been reported to be reclaimed by these States up to March, 2008.Recently  4 schemes of Orissa covering 209 ha of waterlogged area at an estimated cost of Rs. 38.516 lakh have been approved and included under the programme.

Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)

The National Water Policy 2002 stresses participatory approach in water resources management. The participation of farmers in the management of irrigation would include transfer responsibility for operation & maintenance  of irrigation systems. It also provides facilities to Water Users’ Association for collection of water charges  in their respective jurisdiction with effect from 2008-09.One time functional grant @Rs.1000/- per ha. shall be provided which is  to be shared by the Centre, State and farmers @ Rs.450 : 450 : 100 respectively to outlet level Water Users Associations’ as incentive, the interest from which is to be used for maintenance of irrigation system.

As a result of various conferences / seminars organized by the Ministry, there has been an increased consciousness in States about the need for actively involving farmers in management of irrigation systems. Accordingly 14 States namely Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh have either enacted exclusive legislation or amended their Irrigation Acts for involvement of farmers in irrigation management.  Other States are also taking steps in this direction.  So far 56,934 Water Users’ Associations have been formed in various States covering an area of 13.538 M.ha. under various commands  of irrigation projects.

Under the restructured “Command Area Development & Water Management (CADWM) Programme more emphasis is being given to participatory approach. Under this programme, payment of central assistance to State is linked with the formation of Water Users’ Associations. Apart from this, farmers will have to contribute 10% cost of the works in from of cash/ labour in the construction of OFD works and reclamation of water logged areas.

Strengthening of WALMIs / IMTIs

The Task Group constituted with the Additional Secretary of MoWR as its Chairman for Strengthening of WALMIs / IMTIs. has submitted its report. The Task Group report and a model format for WALMI, which was prepared mainly in line with the recommendations made by the Task Group were circulated  and both these documents have been discussed in the one day conference of State Secretaries/Secretaries and Heads of WALMIs/IMTIs.

The conference was organized by the Water Resources at New Delhi on 13th November, 2009 to discuss both these documents. After the  detailed deliberations on the report  recommendations / Suggestions were brought out for providing financial assistance for up-gradation / modernization of the existing facilities and infrastructure at the WALMIs / IMTIs, the recruitment of professional faculty including the heads of the institutions for qualitative changes in the training programmes making provision for refressor  Training of Trainers courses for the faculty of WALMIs/IMTIs etc.


Brahmaputra Board

(1)        Brahmaputra Board has carried out the detailed planning and documentation of the Water Resources of North East Region and prepared the Master Plans. Government approved 2 nos. of Sub-basin Master Plans prepared by Brahmaputra Board and thereafter Board has sent to State Government for implementation.

(2)      Brahmaputra Board has continued the works for Protection of Majuli Phase-I works of revised estimated cost amounting to Rs. 56.07 crore and upto date progress is 92.80%. DPR for Phase-II and Phase-III have been techno-economical cleared for an amount of Rs. 115.03 crore and works have been taken.

(3)     Works of Avulsion of Brahmaputra at Dhola-Hatighuli Phase-III completed. For Phase-IV works tender floated identified works.

(4)     Brahmaputra Board is continuing 7 Drainage Development Schemes, namely:

1)                   Harang Drainage Development Scheme

2)                   Barbhag Drainage Development Scheme

3)                   Amjur Drainage Development Scheme

4)                   East of Barpeta Drainage Development Scheme

5)                   Singla Drainage Development Scheme

6)                   Jengrai Drainage Development Scheme

7)             Jakaichuk Drainage Development Scheme


National Water Mission is one of the 8 Missions which would forms the core of National Action Plan representing multi-pronged, long term and integrated strategies for achieving key goals in the context of climate change.

Water sector involves large number of stakeholders and various activities related to water are addressed by several Ministries and Departments of the Government of India.  A Consultative process for preparation of the Mission Document was adopted.  6 sub-committees were constituted in the area of : policy and institutional framework; surface water management; ground water management; domestic and industrial water management; efficient use of water for various purpose; and basin level planning and management.   All concerned Ministries and Planning Commission were actively associated with the Sub-Committees.  Based on the reports of the Sub-Committees, the first draft of the Mission Document was prepared and circulated to all State Governments, concerned Central Ministries, experts, academic institutions and NGOs for their views and suggestions. The draft Mission Document was further deliberated at a national workshop held in Delhi on 17th March, 2009 in which representatives from various States, Union Territories, academic institutions, concerned Central Ministries, NGOs and experts participated.  The inputs received from States and other stakeholders and suggestions made by participants at the workshop were duly considered and the draft Mission Document was revised.

The objective of National Water Mission, in brief, is “conservation of water, minimizing wastage and ensuring its more equitable distribution both across and within States through integrated water resources management”.

Five identified goals to be achieved in National Water Mission are: comprehensive water data base in public domain and assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources, promotion of citizen and state actions for water conservation, augmentation and preservation, focused attention to over-exploited areas, increasing water use efficiency by 20%, and promotion of basin level integrated water resources management.


  • The 3rd meeting of Expert Level Mechanism(ELM) was held at Beijing from 21st to 25th April, 2009 which helped in understanding of each others position for smooth transmission of flood season hydrological data.


  • International Executive Council Meeting of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage ICID

The 60th International Executive Council Meeting of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) was held at New Delhi during December 6-11, 2009.  During this period the 5th Asian Region Conference was organized jointly by Ministry of Water resources and International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage. The Conference was inaugurated by the  Prime Minister and about 800 delegates from 40 countries participated in the conference.  Officers from various States Governments, Ministry of Water resources and its various organisation and other Central Ministries participated in the conference.  The valedictory session was held on 11th December 2009.  Union Finance Minister was the Chief Guest,  Dy. Chairman Planning Commission and  Union Minister of State of Communications & Information Technology were the Guest of Honors.  The Union Minister of Water Resources and the Union Minister of State of Water Resources and Secretary (WR) also addressed the participants.


(i)         Repair Renovation & Restoration of Water Bodies :

  • The Government of India approved two schemes for Repair, Renovation & Restoration of water bodies (i) one with external assistance at a cost of Rs.6000 crore and (ii) the other one with domestic support at a cost of Rs.4000 crore during XI Plan period. Necessary Administrative orders for these schemes were issued on 4th February, 2009 and 2nd March, 2009 respectively. These Schemes envisage comprehensive improvement of selected water bodies, improvement of catchment areas of tank commands, increase in storage capacity of water bodies, ground water recharge, improvement in agricultural productivity, increased availability of drinking water. The guidelines for the scheme of Repair Renovation & Restoration of water bodies with domestic support was issued on 28.7.2009.
  • Under the scheme with domestic support, projects benefiting special category states, undivided Koraput, Bolangir and Kalahandi (KBK) districts of Orissa and drought prone/naxal affected/tribal areas of other states are eligible for 90% of the project cost as central assistance.  Other projects are eligible for 25% of the project cost as central assistance. Under the scheme with external assistance, the Govt. of India provides central assistance to the extent of 25% of the project cost whereas 75% state share is to be borrowed from the World Bank by the concerned state.
  • In order to expedite the formulation and implementation of projects under the schemes of RRR of water Bodies, state governments were consulted at the time of the formulation of the two schemes.  This has also been discussed with the states in the Conference of Principal Secretaries/Secretaries of the States.  National and State level workshops/conferences/review meetings have also been held to create awareness among stakeholders during the year 2008-2009.
  • Under the scheme of Repair Renovation and Restoration of water bodies with external assistance, the World Bank Loan Agreement has been signed with Tamil Nadu for Rs. 2182 crore to restore 5763 water bodies having a CCA of 4 lakh hectares on 12.2.2007, with Andhra Pradesh  for Rs. 835 crore for restoration of 3000 water bodies with a CCA of 2.5 lakh hectares on 8.6.2007, with  Karanataka Govt. for Rs. 268 crore for restoration of 1225 water bodies having a CCA of 0.52 lakh hectare on 2.11.2007.  The Orissa project has also been signed  on 27.1.2009 for Rs.478 crore on for restoration of 900 water bodies with CCA of 1.2 lakh hectare.
  • A Joint Convergence Guidelines to facilitate convergence of activities/schemes of the Ministry of Water Resources with NREGP of Ministry of Rural Development have been issued. Programmes  of Ministry of Water Resources identified for convergence with NREGP are RRR of water bodies; Scheme of Dugwell Recharge; Farmer’s Participatory Action Research Programme; Command Area Development & Water Management Programme; Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme; Flood Management; etc.

(ii)  Scheme on Artificial Recharge to Ground Water Through Dug Wells :

A State Sector Scheme of Dug well recharge has been launched with an outlay of Rs. 1798.71 Crore including subsidy component of Rs. 1499.27 crore in Over-exploited, Critical and Semi-critical areas of seven States viz. Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh to provide sustainability to the dugwells during XI Plan. The scheme is  under implementation in 1180 over-exploited, critical and semi-critical blocks in these States.

Salient features of the Scheme: The scheme aims to facilitate improvement in the ground water situation in the affected areas, increase the sustainability of wells during lean period, improve quality of ground water and community involvement in water resource management in the affected areas. Total number of irrigation dug wells proposed for recharge is 4.45 million. Of which 2.72 million owned by small and marginal farmers and 1.73 million owned by other farmers. Average cost of recharge structure per well is Rs. 4000. The beneficiaries would be farmers having own well in their agricultural land. Provision has been made for 100% subsidy to small and marginal farmers and 50% subsidy to other farmers.

Under the scheme, funds amounting to Rs. 1536.75 crore has been sanctioned to NABARD by the M/o Finance. Funds amounting to   Rs. 216.98 crore (as on 30.11.2009) including Rs. 199.98 crore as subsidy to beneficiaries and 17 crore for IEC/Capacity Building activities have been released to the concerned States. Subsidy has been released to 566637 beneficiaries so far.

(iii)       4th Minor Irrigation Census :

During the year 2009, data entry work and validation of 4th Minor Irrigation Census data remained in progress in States/UTs and an evaluation study of the RMIS scheme was awarded to IASRI, Pusa, New Delhi. This study commenced in August, 2009 and is likely to be completed soon.

(iv)       Research and Development Studies :

A number of research schemes and studies on various aspect of water resources including those related to water use efficiency and study on effect of climate change on water resources are being implemented in the various organizations/educational and research institutes of Central and State Government including NGOs with funding from the Ministry. During 2009-10, 3 research schemes and 30 Water use efficiency studies have been completed.


(i)  Celebration of World Water Day

In pursuance of the United Nations’ Resolution to celebrate 22nd March every year as World Water Day, the Ministry celebrated the WWD-2009 on the theme “Trans-Boundary Waters – Shared Waters, Shared Opportunities” by organizing various activities at New Delhi and in the field offices of various organizations under it.

The Ministry organised a modest function at Central Soil and Materials Research Station’s Auditorium on March 22,2009. An advertisement containing messages of water conservation and advisory to the public in the shape of “Do’s and Do not’s” was released throughout the country.  Some workshops were also organized all over the country on the issues relating to- (I) Management of Trans-boundary Aquifer Systems, (II) IEC/Capacity Building, (III) Civil Society Participation and IWRDM, (IV) Water Quality, Health, Urban Water Security and IWRM, (V) Conjunctive use of Surface and Ground Water, (VI) Technology Transfer and Water Use Efficiency, (VII) R&D in Water Sector, (VIII) Investment in Water Sector, (IX) Eco System Security Activities, (X) Corporate Social Responsibility in Water Sector and other issues in water Sector. The participants in these workshops included renowned educationist, water sector experts, NGOs, Policy makers, students, water user association’s representatives, scientists, Engineers and other technical experts.

(ii)        Electronic Media Campaign

–           An Electronic Media Campaign has been launched through telecast of Video spots on water conservation on the National, Regional and DD News Channels of Doordarshan with an outlay of Rs.  5.6 crore in order to generate awareness amongst the masses for judicious use of the critical natural resource i.e. Water.

–           Electronic Media Campaign has also been launched on Lok Sabha Television by telecasting videos spots on Water conservation and a documentary film on Farmer’s Participatory Action Research Programme.

(iii) Print Media Campaign

The advertisements were released in prominent newspapers on various important occasions during the year on promoting water conservation and water use efficiency as well as to propagate various measures for judicious use of water.

(iv) Organisation of Workshop

A workshop on “Satellite Remote Sensing in Water Resources” was inaugurated on 18th May, 2009 by Shri U.N. Panjiar, Secretary (WR). Experts / participants from various premier organizations and institutions related to the remote sensing field viz; NRSA, IIRS, JNU, DST,CGWB,CWC, NIH, NIC, RRSC, IARI etc  and MoWR attended it. The workshop focused on source finding, tapping and management of water resources and the need to develop synergy and exchange of information within user organizations / Ministries as they are dependent on the information related to geological, environmental, soil, climate, land use of any particular area.

(v)        Participation in India International Trade Fair

Ministry of Water Resources participated in the 29th India International Trade Fair held at New Delhi from 14 to 27 November, 2009 by way of raising a pavilion on the theme: SAVE WATER – EVERY DROP COUNTS in pursuance of the Prime Minister’s call to the nation expressed in his Independence Day speech to develop Save Water as one of the national slogans. Several organizations under the Ministry also exhibited their Models and other exhibitory materials to showcase their activities and achievements.

The central diorama of the pavilion revolved around the concept that every drop of water is precious. The story of water was shown through the drop in the form of earth symbolizing eternal relationship between earth and water. Efficient use of water in the irrigation sector was depicted through drip and sprinkler models.  Conservation of water at individual and collective levels was shown in the form of rainwater harvesting, repair and renovation of small water bodies and check dams.  Emphasis was also laid on recycling of water especially in the industrial sector.  The overall message conveyed through the central diorama was that judicious use of water brings prosperity.

With a view to involve children in the cause of water conservation and management, a student corner was also provided in the pavilion where nukkad natak, bioscope shows and quiz show through touch screen on various aspects of water were organized throughout the duration of the fair to educate and sensitise them about water related issues in an interactive manner.